Sunday 16 November 2014

Banoffee Pie

My banoffee pie is never a thing of beauty but tastes pretty damn good. The first time I ever made it was in my third year of university and my house-mate and I felt like we stumbled across the holy-grail. We became obsessed with eating it!

I made my banoffee pie a few weeks ago as I had dinner with my boyfriend and his granny and I made the desert. Turns out she loves caramel so that was lucky! Unsurprisingly, the recipe is from Mary Berrys Complete Cook Book. Serves around 8 people with 816 cals a slice....bit high on the kcal but it is delicious!!


90g Butter
90g Light Soft Brown Sugar
1 x 397g Can Caramel Condensed Milk

Biscuit Crust
90g Butter
175g Digestive Biscuits

2 Bananas
200ml Double or Whipping Cream
Cocoa Powder or Chocolate Curls

20cm (8 inch) Springform or Loose-Bottomed Cake Tin

  1. Lightly grease the can tin, and line the bottom with baking parchment.
  2. Make the biscuit base: melt the butter in a saucepan, add the crushed biscuits, and stir well to combine. Press on to the bottom and side of the flan tin. Place in the fridge to set.
  3. Meanwhile, make the filling: put the butter and sugar into a saucepan, and stir over a low heat until melted and combined. Add the condensed milk, and stir until smooth. Bring to a boil over a high heat, stirring. Boil for 1 minute only, then pour immediately over the biscuit base.  Chill for at least 30 mins, until set. (The pie can be made up to this stage the day before serving.)
  4. Peel the bananas, cut into chunky slices, and arrange over the set toffee base. Spread the whipped cream over the bananas to cover them completely so they do not discolour. Chill the pie for atleast 2 hours until firm enough to cut. Before serving sift cocoa powder over the cream or decorate with chocolate curls.

I have never been able to perfect getting the biscuit base thin enough. So my banoffee pie doesn't have sides but it still holds! I just keep it in the fridge for a number of hours so it really does set. I decorate the top by using a fine grater and grating a chocolate bar. I totally love this desert and it is a real crowd pleaser.

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