Saturday 17 January 2015

Pain Au Chocolat - The Cheats Way...

I have been wanting to make chocolate croissants for a very long time but puff pastry is just far to much effort to make. I can't be bothered to do all that folding and turning and waiting! I have a life to live! So when I saw that Jus-Rol had done all the hard work for me, I just had to give it ago!

It looks like this.... You can pick this up in any local supermarket and in that little can to the right is the pastry! You twist to open it (very clever). This little DIY croissant pack comes with little chocolate sticks too!

Pre-heat the oven at 200oC/180oC fan assisted/gas mark 6. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

1. Pull the corner of the red label down to the left. (On the can)

2. The can itself will open.

3. Twist the can to remove the dough.

4. Unroll the dough and follow the perforations to seperate into pieces.

5. Place 2 chocolate sticks at the ends of each piece of dough.

6. Roll both ends in ad place seam side down on the baking tray. For a deeper golden colour, glaze with milk or a egg wash before baking.

7. Spread out the rolled dough so there is plenty of room to expand during cooking. Place on the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 12 mins(or until golden brown). Serve fresh from the oven!

And here are my finished chocolate croissants!

My boyfriend and I ate these straight away for breakfast! We had 3 each as they weren't particularly large. Totally worth doing and are the easiest things to make!!! I will make these again - however, they're not the healthiest breakfast...each croissant has 169kcal! 

These are the easiest DIY Pain Au Chocolat you will ever make!

Sarah's Tips
Don't roll the croissants to tight - I think I may have done this which is why they didn't expand so well.

12 minutes is about right on the timing, however, I did mine for 12 mins and they could have done with 1 or 2 mins longer. They felt soft on the top, not like the usual croissant crunch/flakeyness so next time I will give them a little poke and if they're soft I'll leave them in for 1 more min.

As you can see, I didn't use baking parchment to line my baking trays (I forgot) but it was fine, only 2 slightly stuck. Thankfully my trays are non-stick.

I also didn't use an egg wash or milk and they still came out golden however next time I will, just to see if there is a difference. 

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