Tuesday 23 September 2014

Redemption Roulade!

After the disgusting swiss roll I made the other day, I HAD to redeem myself...hence the redemption roulade! And im pretty happy with the results!

It was fairly simple to make and this time round I decided to stick to the recipe. As long as you read the recipe before you start you'll be fine.This recipe has no flour in it, so the only raising agent is the egg whites. So I really am quite proud of my chocolate roulade! 

I made it for pudding after the family dinner, I found it was pretty rich so only a small slice is needed (which is the only savour considering the amount of calories in each slice!). We had a handful of berries to accompany the chocolate roulade which helped make the amount of cream more palatable. I was also quite pleased with the swirl seeing as this is the second time I have ever rolled anything!(Plus, it is meant to be that cracked on the outside!!)

The recipe came from Mary Berry's Complete Cook Book. Recipe is below.

·         175g/6oz good-quality dark chocolate, finely chopped
·         6 free-range eggs, separated
·         175g/6oz caster sugar
·         2 tbsp cocoa powder
·         300ml/10fl oz double cream
·         Icing sugar, to dust

Preparation method
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/160 Fan/Gas 4. Lightly grease a 33cm x 23cm/13in x 9in Swiss roll tin then line the base and sides of the tin with a large sheet of greaseproof paper, pushing it into the corners. Make a small diagonal snip in each corner of the paper; this helps to fit the paper snugly into the corners of the tin.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. (Do not let the base of the bowl touch the water.)
  3. Place the egg whites in a large bowl and whisk until stiff but not dry. If you turn the bowl upside down, the whites should be stiff enough not to fall out.
  4.  Put the egg yolks in a separate bowl with the sugar and whisk using the same whisk (no need to wash it) on high speed for 2-3 minutes or until thick and creamy and the mixture leaves a thick ribbon-like trail when the beaters are lifted. Pour in the cooled chocolate and gently fold together until well combined.
  5. Gently stir two large spoonfuls of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture to loosen the mix, then fold in the remaining egg whites using a large metal spoon (you don’t want to squash out the air you have just beaten in). Sift the cocoa over the top and lightly fold it in. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and gently move the tin around until the mixture is level.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes until risen and the top feels firm and slightly crisp. Remove from the oven, leave in the tin (expect the roulade to fall and crack a little) and set aside until cold.
  7. Whip the cream until it just holds its shape. Lay a large piece of greaseproof paper on the work surface and dust it lightly with icing sugar. Turn the roulade out on to the paper so its lining paper is on top, then carefully peel off the paper. Spread the roulade with the whipped cream, leaving a border of about 2cm/¾in all the way around the edges. With one of the shortest edges facing you, make a cut along it with a sharp knife, going about half way through the sponge. This will help to start the rolling up. Now roll this cut edge over tightly to start with and use the paper to help continue the tight rolling, by pulling it away from you as you roll. Don’t worry if the roulade cracks - that is quite normal and all part of its charm.
  8. Finish with the join underneath then lift the roulade onto a serving plate or board using a large wide spatula or two fish slices. Dust with icing sugar.

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