Monday 13 October 2014

MacMillan Coffee Morning: Chocolate Fudge

Coffee Morning Bake Number One: Chocolate Fudge

I have made this chocolate fudge for work before and it got absolutely devoured! My mum originally made it with 500g of 75% dark chocolate, when I tried it I found it too rich as im not a big fan of dark chocolate. So when I made it for work the first time round and for the coffee morning, I used 300g of dark chocolate and 200g of milk chocolate. It still holds its shape and isn't too sticky but the taste is a lot smoother and a lot more palatable. Makes approx 25 large pieces, however  I made around 120 pieces that were small but still a fairly decent size.


500g of Dark Chocolate (I used 300g dark and 200g milk)
75g Unsalted Butter
400g Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Flavouring


1    1. Lightly grease a 20cm/8inch square cake tin.
2. Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a large saucepan with the butter and condensed milk.
3. Heat gently, stirring until the chocolate and butter melts and the mixture is smooth. Do not allow to boil.
4. Remove from the heat. Beat in the vanilla flavouring, then beat the mixture for a few minutes until thickened. Pour it into the prepared tin and level the top.
5. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator until firm.
6. Tip the fudge out onto a chopping board and serve.

By using milk chocolate it can soften the mixture compared to using all dark chocolate so definitely make this the day before you want it, so it has time to chill overnight and really hold its shape, then you will have no problems! I packed the fudge into individual bags and decorated with ribbon. The recipe came from a book my mum bought me when I was about 12, 'Chocolate: Quick & Easy' but it has no author.

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